“ú–{”ÆߎЉïŠw‰ï@Japanese Association of Sociological CriminologyJASC

Information for authors

  1. Contributor(s) should be the member(s) of the Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology.
  2. Contributions in English will be accepted after the judgment of its quality by the Editorial Board, on the understanding that they are original articles or research notes which have not appeared or are not to appear in other publications. Simultaneous submission to another journal is unacceptable.
  3. Contributions up to 25 pages in A4 size (or letter size) paper will be considered for publication.
  4. Articles or research notes should be typed on one side, with double spacing (including notes and references), wide margins, and numbered pages. All contributions should have title, authors' name(s) and institution(s) in a separate cover page. Only the title should appear in the content page(s).
  5. a.)A Japanese abstract of approximately 400 to 800 letters should accompany the article or research note.
    b.)An English abstract not exceeding 250 words should accompany the article or research note.
    c.)Up to three key words should be listed under the abstract title both in English and in Japanese.
  6. Footnotes should be numbered serially and listed at the end of the article or research note.
  7. Citation should be included in the text as the following manner. Cited books and articles should also be listed in the references.
    .....(Becker, 1963:65-68)
    .....(Becker, 1967:240)
    .....(Gottfredson and Hirsch, 1990:35)
    .....(Minor, et al., 1999:471)
  8. References should be listed alphabetically by the author at the end of the article or research note, giving the names of journals in full.
    Becker, Howard S., 1963, Outsiders, Free Press.
    ------ 1967, "Whose Side Are We On?" Social Problems, 14(3), pp:239-247.
    Farrington, David P.,1979a, "Delinquent Behavior Modification in the Natural Environment," British Journal of Criminology, 19, pp:353-372
    ------ 1979b, "Longitudinal Research on Crime and delinquency," in Morris, N. and M. Tonry (eds.) Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research, vol.4, University of Chicago Press, pp:289-348.
    Gottfredson, Michael R. and Travis Hirsch, 1990, A General Theory of Crime, Stanford University Press.
    Minor,Kevin I., James B.Wells, Irina R.Soderstrom, Rachel Bingham and Deborah Williamson, 1999, "Sentence Completion and Recidivism Among Juveniles Referred to Teen Courts," Crime & Delinquency, 45, pp:467-480.
    United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2015, "Crime in the United States 2015", (Retrieved June 27, 2017, https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015).
  9. All graphs, charts, and tables should be numbered, and should be on separate sheets. Their locations should also be indicated in the typescript. (e.g.'Table 2 about here')
  10. Five(5) copies of the typescript including abstracts, graphs, charts, and tables should be submitted as an application.
  11. Contributions will be examined by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board holds the right of making final decision for publication of the submitted articles or research notes. Some modification may be required for publication. Contributions will not be returned to the authors.
  12. Once an article has been accepted, an electronic version of the text should be submitted.
  13. No manuscript fee will be paid, and no handling fee will be required. Total of fifty(50) reprints will be supplied gratis to each author.
  14. Published articles or research notes will be registered to the electronic journal publication system specified by this association, after twelve (12) months of publication.
  15. Contributions and Correspondence should be sent to the following address.

    Japanese Journal of Sociological Criminology
    c/o Gendai Jinbun-Sha Co., Ltd.
    7F Yatsuhashi Bldg.,
    2-10 Yotsuya,
    Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004